
NSStackView class documentation


Generated by Gregory John Casamento,,,

Date: Generated at 2023-12-22 15:07:50 -0500

Contents -

  1. Software documentation for the NSStackView class
  2. Software documentation for the NSStackViewDelegate protocol

Software documentation for the NSStackView class

NSStackView : NSView

Declared in:
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.

Instance Variables

Method summary


+ (instancetype) stackViewWithViews: (NSArray*)views;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (void) addArrangedSubview: (NSView*)v;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.

addView: inGravity: 

- (void) addView: (NSView*)view inGravity: (NSStackViewGravity)gravity;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (NSLayoutAttribute) alignment;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (NSArray*) arrangedSubviews;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (NSLayoutPriority) clippingResistancePriorityForOrientation: (NSLayoutConstraintOrientation)orientation;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (CGFloat) customSpacingAfterView: (NSView*)v;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (id<NSStackViewDelegate>) delegate;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (NSArray*) detachedViews;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (BOOL) detachesHiddenViews;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (NSStackViewDistribution) distribution;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (NSEdgeInsets) edgeInsets;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (BOOL) hasEqualSpacing;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (NSLayoutPriority) huggingPriorityForOrientation: (NSLayoutConstraintOrientation)o;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.

insertArrangedSubview: atIndex: 

- (void) insertArrangedSubview: (NSView*)v atIndex: (NSInteger)idx;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.

insertView: atIndex: inGravity: 

- (void) insertView: (NSView*)view atIndex: (NSUInteger)index inGravity: (NSStackViewGravity)gravity;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (NSUserInterfaceLayoutOrientation) orientation;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (void) removeArrangedSubview: (NSView*)v;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (void) removeView: (NSView*)view;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (void) setAlignment: (NSLayoutAttribute)alignment;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (void) setArrangedSubviews: (NSArray*)arrangedSubviews;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.

setClippingResistancePriority: forOrientation: 

- (void) setClippingResistancePriority: (NSLayoutPriority)clippingResistancePriorityn forOrientation: (NSLayoutConstraintOrientation)orientation;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.

setCustomSpacing: afterView: 

- (void) setCustomSpacing: (CGFloat)spacing afterView: (NSView*)v;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (void) setDelegate: (id<NSStackViewDelegate>)delegate;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (void) setDetachedViews: (NSArray*)detachedViews;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (void) setDetachesHiddenViews: (BOOL)f;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (void) setDistribution: (NSStackViewDistribution)d;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (void) setEdgeInsets: (NSEdgeInsets)insets;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (void) setHasEqualSpacing: (BOOL)f;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.

setHuggingPriority: forOrientation: 

- (void) setHuggingPriority: (NSLayoutPriority)huggingPriority forOrientation: (NSLayoutConstraintOrientation)o;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (void) setOrientation: (NSUserInterfaceLayoutOrientation)o;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (void) setSpacing: (CGFloat)f;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.

setViews: inGravity: 

- (void) setViews: (NSArray*)views inGravity: (NSStackViewGravity)gravity;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.

setVisibilityPriority: forView: 

- (void) setVisibilityPriority: (NSStackViewVisibilityPriority)priority forView: (NSView*)v;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (CGFloat) spacing;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (NSArray*) viewsInGravity: (NSStackViewGravity)gravity;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.


- (NSStackViewVisibilityPriority) visibilityPriorityForView: (NSView*)v;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.

Instance Variables for NSStackView Class


@protected NSLayoutAttribute _alignment;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSMutableArray* _arrangedSubviews;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected id _beginningContainer;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSMapTable* _customSpacingMap;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected id _delegate;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSMutableArray* _detachedViews;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected BOOL _detachesHiddenViews;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSStackViewDistribution _distribution;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSEdgeInsets _edgeInsets;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected id _endContainer;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected BOOL _hasEqualSpacing;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected BOOL _hasFlagViewHierarchy;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSLayoutPriority _horizontalClippingResistancePriority;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSLayoutPriority _horizontalHuggingPriority;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected id _middleContainer;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSUserInterfaceLayoutOrientation _orientation;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSLayoutAttribute _secondaryAlignment;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected CGFloat _spacing;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSLayoutPriority _verticalClippingResistancePriority;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSLayoutPriority _verticalHuggingPriority;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSMutableArray* _views;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.


@protected NSMapTable* _visiblePriorityMap;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.

Software documentation for the NSStackViewDelegate protocol


Declared in:
Conforms to:
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.
Method summary

stackView: didReattachViews: 

- (void) stackView: (NSStackView*)stackView didReattachViews: (NSArray*)views;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.

stackView: willDetachViews: 

- (void) stackView: (NSStackView*)stackView willDetachViews: (NSArray*)views;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.9.0

Description forthcoming.
