


Gregory John Casamento (borgheron@yahoo.com)
Scott Christley (scottc@net-community.com)

Date: Generated at 2023-12-20 19:35:39 -0500

Class to allow a spell checker to be available to other apps.

Copyright: (C) 2001, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Contents -

  1. Software documentation for the NSSpellServer class
  2. Software documentation for the NSObject(NSSpellServerDelegate) informal protocol

Software documentation for the NSSpellServer class

NSSpellServer : NSObject

Declared in:
Availability: OpenStep

Description forthcoming.
Method summary


- (id) delegate;
Availability: OpenStep

Return the spell server delegate.

isWordInUserDictionaries: caseSensitive: 

- (BOOL) isWordInUserDictionaries: (NSString*)word caseSensitive: (BOOL)flag;
Availability: OpenStep

Checks to see if the word is in the user's dictionary. The user dictionary is a set of words learned by the spell service for that particular user combined with the set of ignored words in the current document.

registerLanguage: byVendor: 

- (BOOL) registerLanguage: (NSString*)language byVendor: (NSString*)vendor;
Availability: OpenStep

This method vends the spell server to the Distributed Objects system so that it can be connected to by clients.


- (void) run;
Availability: OpenStep

Initiate the run loop of this service. Once the spell server object is vended, this method is called so that the server can start responding to the messages sent by the client. These messages are passed on to the NSSpellServer instance's delegate.


- (void) setDelegate: (id)anObject;
Availability: OpenStep

This method is used to set the delegate of the spellserver. When a spelling service is run the spell server is vended out to DO. The spelling service must instantiate an instance of this class and set itself to be the delegate. This allows the service to respond to messages sent by the client.

Software documentation for the NSObject(NSSpellServerDelegate) informal protocol


Declared in:
Availability: OpenStep

This is an informal protocol since the NSSpellChecker will need to use a proxy object to call these methods. These methods need to be implemented by the spell service so that the NSSpellServer instance call call them when necessary.
Method summary

spellServer: checkGrammarInString: language: details: 

- (NSRange) spellServer: (NSSpellServer*)sender checkGrammarInString: (NSString*)stringToCheck language: (NSString*)language details: (NSArray**)details;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.5.0

Not implemented

spellServer: didForgetWord: inLanguage: 

- (void) spellServer: (NSSpellServer*)sender didForgetWord: (NSString*)word inLanguage: (NSString*)language;
Availability: OpenStep

Forgets the given word in the user's dictionary for the given language.

spellServer: didLearnWord: inLanguage: 

- (void) spellServer: (NSSpellServer*)sender didLearnWord: (NSString*)word inLanguage: (NSString*)language;
Availability: OpenStep

Records the new word in the user's dictionary for the given language.

spellServer: findMisspelledWordInString: language: wordCount: countOnly: 

- (NSRange) spellServer: (NSSpellServer*)sender findMisspelledWordInString: (NSString*)stringToCheck language: (NSString*)language wordCount: (int32_t*)wordCount countOnly: (BOOL)countOnly;
Availability: OpenStep

This method is called when the user begins spell checking the document. The parameters are: sender the spell server instance which invoked this method, stringToCheck this is the string which the spell service is going to attempt to find misspelled words in, language the language to check in, wordCount the number of words checked, and countOnly a flag which dictates if them method checks the spelling or just counts the words in the given string.

Returns a range for any word it finds that is misspelled.

spellServer: suggestCompletionsForPartialWordRange: inString: language: 

- (NSArray*) spellServer: (NSSpellServer*)sender suggestCompletionsForPartialWordRange: (NSRange)range inString: (NSString*)string language: (NSString*)language;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.3.0

Not implemented

spellServer: suggestGuessesForWord: inLanguage: 

- (NSArray*) spellServer: (NSSpellServer*)sender suggestGuessesForWord: (NSString*)word inLanguage: (NSString*)language;
Availability: OpenStep

Attempts to guess the correct spelling of word.
