
NSURLCredential class documentation


Generated by Gregory John Casamento,,,

Date: Generated at 2023-12-20 19:35:39 -0500

Software documentation for the NSURLCredential class

NSURLCredential : NSObject

Declared in:
Conforms to:
Availability: MacOS-X 10.2.0, Base 1.13.0

Represents a user/password credential

Instance Variables

Method summary

credentialWithUser: password: persistence: 

+ (NSURLCredential*) credentialWithUser: (NSString*)user password: (NSString*)password persistence: (NSURLCredentialPersistence)persistence;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.2.0, Base 1.13.0

Returns an autoreleased instance initialised using the -initWithUser:password:persistence: method.


- (BOOL) hasPassword;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.2.0, Base 1.13.0

Determine whether the credential has a password.

initWithUser: password: persistence: 

- (id) initWithUser: (NSString*)user password: (NSString*)password persistence: (NSURLCredentialPersistence)persistence;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.2.0, Base 1.13.0

This is a designated initialiser for the class.
Initialises and returns the receiver with a user name and password.
The user identifies the credential and must be specified but the password may be nil.


- (BOOL) isEqual: (id)other;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.2.0, Base 1.13.0

Tests two credentials for equality... credentials are considered to be equal if their -user methods return the same value, since you cannot have more than one credential for a suser within an NSURLProtectionSpace .


- (NSString*) password;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.2.0, Base 1.13.0

Returns the password for the receiver.
May require prompting of the user to authorize retrieval.
May return nil if retrieval of the password fails (eg authorization failure) even if the credential actually has a password. Call the -hasPassword method to determine whether the credential has a password


- (NSURLCredentialPersistence) persistence;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.2.0, Base 1.13.0

Return the presistence of this credential.


- (NSString*) user;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.2.0, Base 1.13.0

Returns the user string for the receiver

Instance Variables for NSURLCredential Class


@protected void* _NSURLCredentialInternal;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.2.0, Base 1.13.0

Warning the underscore at the start of the name of this instance variable indicates that, even though it is not technically private, it is intended for internal use within the package, and you should not use the variable in other code.
